(Conclusion example) Overall, it can be argued that Conservatives mostly do not favour pragmatism over principle. Traditional and One Nation Conservatives could be seen as pragmatic due to beliefs in human nature as well as paternalism. However, this can be linked back to core Conservative principles such as organic society and Noblesse Oblige as the pragmatic policies are entirely built upon principle. More distinctly linked to policy is The New Right, nearly toppling Thatcher’s government before the second term in the early 80s. This happened due to Thatcher deciding to stick to the harsh Economic policy which had devastating effects on employment in the short term but lower inflation in the long term. Thatcher decided to do this due to influence from philosophers such as Hayek and Friedman showing her commitment to principle. Thatcher along with Reagan argued that at the start of their leadership they operated pragmatically, however, they were both very quick to bring society back to Conservative principles. In Conclusion, all Conservatives value principle over pragmatism, yet, The New Right can be seen as the most principled and One Nation Conservatives can be seen as the most pragmatic. Overall, Conservatives favour principle over pragmatism.