In order to improve your Italian reading skills, you must improve your comprehension skills first, which means that you have to know how to find in a written text the information that will help you to answer the question. To do this, you have to understand what exactly the questions at the end of the text are asking you. Read them carefully and then search in the text for the information you need.
What if you can't undestand what a question is asking you? Don't panic and try to figure out what information the typology of text you are reading might convey. Is the text an advertisement? Then it's likely that the question will ask you what the advertisement is reclaming, where these goods or services can be purchased, whether there are special offers. You do not necessarily have to read long, complex literary text to get prepared for the exam (they might help you to get passionate about Italian literature and culture, though). Whether you are reading an article from a teenage magazine, an online advertisement or a blog post always try to answer this question 'What is this text trying to tell me?'