In A2 psychology the most important part of an essay is the evaluations. Marks for this section can be boosted by making sure that the evaluations are relevant, clearly expressed and linked back to the question focus. What increses marks in this section is the IDA points (Issues, Debates and Approaches). This is done by criticising the research or a model in respect to their generalisability (sample, gender/culture bias), and key points such as reductionism (focusing only on one aspect of an issue), determinism vs role of free will, nature vs nurture, ethics and practical applications (how the model/experiment is useful for real life). An important aspect to keep in mind is the importance of wording: for example, instead of just stating "the sample was only females" it would be best to refer to this as "the sample showed gynocentric bias and therefore it is not generalisable to the male population". Important also is the structure: it is advised to create an IDA paragraph at the end of the essay, focusing on at least four of the IDA aspects mentioned before, followed by a concluding statement.