Introduction- a brief overview of why you want o study medicine and the necessary skills, experiences and qualities you feel you have that will allow you to succeed in such a career.
Main Body- approximately 60% should be focused around your work experience and the remaining 40% on extra curricular activities, volunteering etc. When discussing work experience begin by briefly talking about where you went/ what you did or saw but focus mainly on what you learnt from these experiences- this is the most important part and will be what the admissions teams will be looking for. this is the same for the volunteering and extra curricular activities- mention what you did but then discuss in detail what you have gained from such experiences. If you have numerous extra curricular activities its better to select a few and discuss these in greater detail than trying to include everything and only being able to write brief sentence about each.
Conclusion- very similar to the introduction- briefly summaries why you want to study medicine and review the reasons why you feel you are best suit to the degree.
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