In support of the quotation, using the death penalty does not allow the offender to learn from their criminal mistake. Therefore, any means of reconciliation between the offender and the victimized party is inhibited. Against the quotation, the death penalty can act as a deterrent for other potential criminals. Therefore capital punishment may be beneficial for decreased crime rates in society. To take a religious perspective, we can see from the ethical teachings in the Christian Bible, Jesus Christ encourages forgiveness. This is seen in the Lord's prayer which states 'Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us'. If the victim/ victim's family allow the offender to be killed for their crime, it does not allow for this forgiveness. In my opinion, although capital punishment may seem practical on paper, I feel the act of carrying out a criminal's death would weigh to heavy on a person's conscience. The death of another will not undo the crime committed, and so will not lead to any satisfaction.