Operant conditioning is where one is able to change the behaviour of another person or animal using reinforcement and punishment. The term was used by Skinner (1938) who demonstrated that when rats are positively reinforced with food for pressing a lever, they will continue to do it, however when they are punished with electric shocks, they will stop.
Operant conditioning uses 3 key terms: first is 'positive reinforcement' which refers to a reward that will lead to behaviour being repeated, (for example, the food used in Skinner's above experiment). Secondly, the term 'punishment' is used for the negative experience that will lead to behaviour stopping (e.g. the electric shocks used on the rats). Finally 'negative reinforcement' refers to when something already present is taken away, this is a favourable outcome that would lead to behaviour being repeated in future (e.g. if the electric shocks were taken away as a result of pressing the lever, then the rats are more likely to repeat the behaviour).