The first lexical device Burns explores is repetition. This is a key method in rhetoric because it establishes importance, and ensures the reader pays attention to the word repeated. The word "red", which is tactically repeated, can connote pain due to the colour red being associated with pain, and blood, which are in-line with the poem's subject: a relationship; or love.
The metaphor of "Till a' the seas gang dry" highlights firstly a personal touch due to the context of the author's heritage: he appears to remain himself, an authentic Scottish man hence the lexical choice "gang" meaning gone, and the metaphor referring the voice of the poem's love lasting until the seas go dry illustrates that he shall never cease loving the intended recipient because the seas shall not go dry within our lifetime. The metaphor highlights the temporally relentless nature of his love.
To conclude, lexical devices are used successfully to portray a message of love and connote romantic images to the reader.
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