Your personal statement is your way of showing the medical school that you're applying to your achievements, your thoughts and your motivation to become a doctor. Most medical schools receive a lot of applications per year and therefore will not have the time to read your personal statement in absolute detail- therefore what your write has to be something that stands out. You should, before starting to write the personal statement- make a plan. You should ideally begin with your motivation to become a doctor- what has inspired you, why do you want to be a doctor- this is the place for you to highlight any experience or event in your life that first sparked your interest in becoming a doctor. You must then show evidence of your motivation by mentionning work experiences or volunteering experiences and what you gained from working there and how it strengthened your desire. You mustn't just list all you have done but be able to show what you gained. You should also write about your strengths and achievements for example- if you play and instrument and what grade you are at, or if you play a team sport and have a major role in your team. This is to show that you aren't just someone that excels at academia but also someone who has other hobbies so that you have ways to contribute to your university social life as well as relieve stress during and after your time as a medical student.
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