What is moral realism?

Moral Realism Key Words Realism Objective Cognitive Naturalist  - Realism -the view that things are known to exist independently of the person considering their existence  THUS Moral Realism - An approach to ethics where moral vocabulary - statements judgments etc ..are considered to be  Moral facts:  They are objectively known and cognitivist  - Objective - meaning that they exist independently of human attitudes; feelings and ideas (Mind-independent reality) - cognitivist - That these moral facts can be determined to be true or false - and are objectively so & they thus represent some feature in the world, commonly referred to as describing the world This would mean the statement; 'Stealing is wrong'  -can be logically verified are correct or incorrect with relation to something objective This 'something objective' is determined depending on the type of moral realist position someone holds  Naturalist - will hold that there are objective moral properties - that can be empirically known - these Moral properties ARE reducible to non-moral properties - i.e. the act of taking that which does not belong to oneself - stealing - is a non-moral property that accounts entirely for the non-moral statement 'stealing is wrong'

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