When looking at longer, essay style questions such as these, often the differences between an average grade, and getting into those top boundaries, lies in answering the question in a specific manner, such as that laid out in the mark scheme, and learning how to write an answer that hits those key marking objectives is one of the most important skills. I find the best way for a student to approach this is with a clear cut answer. Using the introduction in order to lay out their viewpoint, and then going to discuss relevant factors gives the essay a clear sense of direction and structure straight away and having a decisive answer gives the impression of an in depth overall knowledge. The remaining paragraphs should go on to discuss a selection of factors affecting voting behaviour and then look at how these are more or less important and why. It is better to choose a smaller selection of factors and explore them in more detail as this depth of subject knowledge hits those marking criteria. Acknowledging how factors are interlinked will again show higher level reasoning allowing you to reach higher grade boundaries. A strong conclusion assessing why you have come to this conclusion based on the facts you’ve laid out demonstrates analysis, evaluation and complex thinking skills, all essentials to convince examiners to award those top grades.
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