In teaching french lanauage i find that there are lots of rules that need to be learned. For the example of object pronouns there is a good diagram (triangle shape) to follow. This diagram shows that me/te/se/nous/vous comes first, followed by le/la/les followed by lui/leur, followed by y, followed by en. By getting the pupil to write this out it will help them to remember with the use of a visual aid. I would also inform them that two pronouns is the limit in a sentence. The French won’t say something like Je le lui y ai donné to mean "I gave it to him there"; instead, they’ll reword the sentence to remove one of the pronouns.
I would then go through specific examples with the student e.g. Il me les montre.
He’s showing them to me. and by giving the student a jumble of words e.g. ai lui je donné le - I would then get them to rearrange the words for the correctly phrased sentence (je le lui ai donné) By quizzing them, they are then forced to revise the word order. Then i would give them sentence in french with words to replace with pronouns e.g. il donne les devoirs à son prof -> Il les lui donne (explanation: devoirs->les, prof->lui)
I would then develop this further by giving them english sentences to translate completely into french - using pronouns. e.g.You are telling me the story -> Tu me la racontes (explanation: the story=l'histoire =la) .
I would answer any further questions the pupil has concerning it and give more practices in order to revise.