Picking 2 different types of storage would be a good start (i.e. not two different types of batteries; this way you have a little bit more to talk about as all storage types have their perks and setbacks). My two are a Flywheel and a Molten Salt Tank.
A flywheel is a mechanical energy storage method. It is a wheel which rotates in a vacuum so virtually no energy is loss due to friction. The wheel is accelerated by magnets when energy is put in, and an electric motor generator is used to slow the flywheel to take energy out.
+ They last a very long time with effectivey no energy loss
+ They are low maintenance
+ They are very efficient
They are expensive to manufacture and use costly parts
They can take up a lot of space
A molten salt tank stores molten salt, a liquid medium which has high heat retention properties (a themral storage method); the molten salt is heated by an array of mirrors called heliostats, which track the sun and reflect its rays onto the tower full of molten salt. Once warm the molten salt is stored in large reflective tanks where most heat energy is retained for further use.
+ Can be stored underground
+ Versatile: the energy can be used as direct thermal heat, or can be used to generate electricity (as opposed to the flywheel)
+ Can store different amounts of energy (different tanks can be build for different demands)
Heat energy is still lost
If energy is wanted for electricity, not the most efficient way of converting it
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