Well, this is a great question that almost every oxbrige applicant will ask. However, I am sure that for every person you ask, you will get a different answer. That's because there is no set syllabus, as in school, however interviewers are attempting to test your ability to process information and solve problems, not the content that you know. With that said, there are defiantely topics that I would recommend you looking over as they will help you to have a strong basis. Furthermore there is a style to the type of questions that are asked each year, with common topics often being tested.
Firstly, I would recommend that you have a strong understanding of what you have covered at school. This is the most important thing and I would not recomend sacrificing this to attempt extre reading. By this I mean that you truly understand the derivations and results that we commonly use. Then after this I can recommend text books for you to use that I used in my own preperation, and then we can look at common types of questions that arise and how to takle. Examples include graph sketching, combinatrics and basic logic. These are definatley skills that can be improved with practice.
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