Studying an EPQ (Extended project qualification) is done alongside your A levels during sixth form. It is not compulsary and is completed in your own time. An EPQ will be on a topic of your choice and can cover almost anything, be acaemic or non academic, and it is therefore a great way to not only demonstrate your knowledge but also increase your understanding of something which really interests you. The process is very time consuming, and you must find time to put in all the hours continously for the duration of the project. Alongside your project you will be required to fill out a log and write reports, as well as work on your essay or project, and therefore it requires constant dedication. You will be given a tutor who will help you greatly with the planning and undertaking of your project. Of course they are not allowed to help you with the content but they will make sure you are on track and supported.
There are many benefits of the project however which in my opinion makes it really worth while and something to seriously consider. It is especially useful if you are applying to university and can give your personal statement that little bit extra which sets you apart from your competators and may win you the place. Studying an EPQ shows great commitment, disapline and organisation. It requires time management, communication, critical analysis skills and indipendance, which is not only beneficial in your application to university but also will help you cope with the demanding nature of studying a degree. If you choose to study a subject which was not offered at your school and you therefore have no previous knowledge of the subject an EPQ can be a great way to show dedication and interest.
An EPQ varies on wether you choose to write an essay or undertake a project. An essay is 2,000 words long which is generally the length you will be faced with upon starting university, so it is good practise for that. A project can be anything from writing a short story to hoding an event to creating something. Despite which of these options you choose you will be required to do a lot of planning and demonstrate your work process. A lot of points are rewarded for critical analysis, and adapting to problems that arise. You will be required to submit a log showing your workings, frequent reports, the essay or project and then often a presentation at the end of this.
Although this does seem like a lot of work, the benefits of an EPQ for your CV, personal statement or university application are undeniable. If you work continously and set aside time everyweek the workload is very managable, and you will find it leaves you with many transferrable skills to apply in later life or at university.
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