So we are solving to find x. Our first step is to make sure everything is written in whole numbers (we need to get rid of that fraction). To do this we multiply both sides of the equation by 2, we have to multiply both sides because if we only multiply one side then it will change the equation. This makes the equation 6x-8=x. We then rearrange to get x on its own and the 8 on the opposite side to x, therefore we minus x from both sides and then add 8 to both sides. The equation then becomes 5x=8. The final step is to divide both sides by 5, making the equation x=8/5. If the answer needs to be a decimal rather than a fraction then the answer is 1.6. This is found by finding first 1hat 1/5 is (0.2) then multiplying that number by 8 (1.6).