In Regeneration, Pat Barker explores the horrific consequences of war upon the human psyche. This is primarily demonstrated in the character of Burns, a man unable even to eat due to his damaging experience in France. Only through complete breakdown is Burns able to overcome his tortuous past, and develop into something new. In Barker’s description, Burns’ mental state and experience are inextricably tied to the landscape of the novel, as he returns metaphorically to Flanders, in order to heal, and leave the nightmare of the trenches behind.
It is evident that the mindscape of Burns is clearly depicted in his experiences in his impulsive escape to the Scottish landscape, which metaphorically represents the pain of the war. In exploring his experience metaphorically, and understanding the contrast between duty, masculinity, and healing, Burns is able to begin recovery and ‘regenerate’ from his previous broken state. Barker uses the concepts of mindscape and landscape to unpick the issues facing soldiers and provides an indictment of societal pressures which stood as a barrier to healing.
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