When thinking about making a fraction out of two numbers you need to find a common denominator. With this example to be able to compare 180g and 3kg you need to find the common denominator between the two. How can we make both numbers comparable to one another as grams and kilograms aren't the same unit. How many grams go into a kilogram? 1000g, so there are 3000g in 3kg. You can now make this into a fraction. 180/3000. At this point you need to simplify the fraction. You can take off the last 0 on both 180 and 3000, as 18/300 is equivalent to 180/3000, this is the first step of simplifying the fraction. Now you need to find a common number that is divisible into both 18 and 300, I would go with 3. So now you divide both numbers by 3 and 6. You can go through each number individually and divide by 3 & 6 but the quickest way is to divide by the highest common denominator, in this scenario is 6. 18/6 = 3 and 300/6 = 50. So the answer is 3/50 as there is no other number in which both numbers can be divided into to make a simpler form.