It depends on the situation. If you are talking to your boss, an older person or your teacher, in Italian it is important to remember that you need to use "Lei" to show respect. In older textbooks you will find "Voi" to show even more respect, but it has ceased to be in use. During an examination, it is important to be confident and not dwell on your mistakes! If you stap talking the examinors will think you don't know what you are saying/talking about. So do your best, and try to show off your grammar and vocab skills! Instead in daily life conversations you don't need to use such articulate grammar. You can find more commonly used words in Italian movies and TV Series, and practice them with your tutor or friends. The majority of Italians have a really expressive body language as well, so if you want to look more like a native speaker, learning italian gestures can be useful.