All history essays begin with an introduction- this section of your essay should define and explain the criteria to which you are judging the question by (for example from a political or economic perspective). This section should also outline briefly the contents of your essay (including your for and against argument). The introduction should mainly state your line of argument as this will help the marker to understand what you want to say throughout the essay. The conclusion should follow this approach and briefly conclude the essay, evaluating each side of the argument and ending with your own line of argument.
The main body of your essay should be split into two halves- an argument supporting the question and an argument countering the question. An approach teachers often tell their students to take is SEA- (Statement, Evidence, Analysis). You should begin each section of your essay with a statement which should contain your main point, following this comes the Evidence which supports the point you are making (any facts or figures) and the analysis should explain why this supports your point and your main line of argument referring back to the question.