1. Convert the hexidecimal number D6 to decimal Since it is base-16, we multiply the first digit (6) by 16^0 - giving us 6 We then multiple the second digit (D - which equates to 13) by 16^1 - giving us 208 Therefore the answer is 208 + 6 = 214 2. Represent 67 as an unsigned, 8 bit binary number To convert 67 to binary, we must divide it by 2 and record the remainder until the original number is less than 1 67/2 = 33 remainder 1 33/2 = 16 remainder 1 16/2 = 8 remainder 0 8/2 = 4 remainder 0 4/2 = 2 remainder 0 2/2 = 1 remainder 0 1/2 = 0.5 remainder 1 We then reverse the order of the remainder's, to give us 1000011 (representing 67) - which we can write as 01000011 to put it in 8 bits