Despite early attempts to priotise resuce in this novel when we examine the contrast between the two tribes of boys in this novel we can see that it is less of a prioroty compared to survival. The importance of rescue is visually shown with the symbol of the signal fire. Although Ralph and his gang make it a priority to keep the fire lit in hopes of rescue they only guard it during the day. This shows that although this tribe of boys appear to priortise rescue they are not fully commited to it. A similar lack of commitment is seen with Jack and his tribe, although they keep they fire alive they are soon distracted by thoughts of hunting. Their lack of commitment means the fire burns out and a ship passes by the island. Therefore when we examine the attitudes of these two tribes, which seem to be the oppositie of each other we can see that they are both lack sustainable commitment to being rescued. It is important that we acknowledge that both tribes share this same weakness as although they believe each other to be opposite Golding is showing that they are more similar than they believe.
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