Bismarck was very important in keeping the political status quoas it was Bismarcks revised constiution and anti-socialist policies that created an authoritarian government, preserving the German political system under traditional authoritarian power. Bismarck's authoritarian government is emphasised through Wilhelm the second, as under the new constiution the Emperor had the power to dissolve the Reichstag and dismiss ministers at will. This meant the representative power of the people had almost no legislative control and could be controlled by either the chancellor or the Emperor, placing the empire under legislative suppression and keeping the elitist status quo. The argument of Bismarcks constitution keeping the political status quo is strengthened when considering the anti-socialist laws implemented by the chancellor in 1878, banning the meetings of parties representing socialism, a concept that was seen to threaten the ruling elite. By making socialist parties illegal Bismarck was clearly very important in keeping the political status quo as his policies are seen to manipulate the political system to preserve an authoritarian government. An argument that is only strengthened when considering Bracher's statement that changes involving socialism and the ability to dissolve the Reichstag continued anti-democratic structures in state and society, therefore preserving the auhtoritarian status quo.