The right source for your essay is dependant on the subject your EPQ is on. If your essay is, for example, a History-based essay, finding specialised books at university libraries would be most appropriate. However, if your essay is more Science-based, peer reviewed journals would make for more efficient and scientifically accurate. In both cases, however, the reliability of the source is incredibly important. Factors such as who wrote the source, when was it published, where is it published (on a trusted online database or a forum?) and how many sources were written about that specific topic after your current source was published are important to consider when selecting a source. If books are more relevant to the discipline your EPQ is about, then reading the preface of the book can help you decide whether you want to continue using that book for research or not. Similarly, the abstract of scientific journals (which are much easier found through online portals) can also help you with deciding whether the source is relevant or not. It is important in both cases to also consider a variety of sources and the credibility of the author, which can generally be determined by the author’s qualifications.
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