We've all been on websites before, at this precise moment you are interacting with one. You have to just remember the specific names that are used for each component. A website banner is an essential and most significant element of a website as it is the title and header of the web page. Website banners are essential as they are used to attract users attention and fundamentally indicate the content type available. Web designers may include multi-media features, also known as rich content, the use of images, videos, audio clips and animation to make the website more engaging, entertaining and effective. Not all websites may include advertisements but this popular feature helps to generate revenue from site visits. However, this feature can annoy and detract users from the website. There are navigational features which are essential in guiding the users through content - they can be drop down menus and hyperlinks to help the user explore through the website. Lastly, interactive elements allow users to contribute to and interact with the website, these can be forums, surveys and commenting.