Your presentation is a chance for you to talk about your final product and show the examiner how you researched and came to a final conclusion about the question you have proposed. You will need to include what your project is about, the reasoning that underpinned your project as well as your aims and objectives. Additionally, you will need to discuss in some detail what research you undertook (this is hugely important as the EPQ is a research task!) and why you chose to do the research you did. Moreover, you should review your performance and achievements and discuss the lessons and skills you have learnt whilst doing your project. Another important thing to discuss is how your product might affect your future career or education. Perhaps you want to study anthropology at university and your EPQ required you to conduct a human behavioural survey. This would be a useful experience and something you would then build upon at university on the course. Although the final presentation can feel rather daunting, just remember that the examiner is interested in your project and that the questions they ask are to help you get more marks.
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