Hopefully by the point of writing a personal statement you'll have already been completing some work experience or volunteering work based in healthcare. Don't worry at all if you haven't got lots of experience - see your personal statement as you 'pitching' yourself to universities. Start by looking online/in prospectuses for the universities you are applying to and find the section on their medicine pages with what they are looking for in a candidate, make a list of these (you can use this almost like a mark scheme to target when writing). Next step is what have you done? Make a list of all the extra curricular activities you've done/volunteering/work experience/ anything medicine related or academic. Universities aren't looking just for a list of stuff you ve done however so using the information from university application pages, link the things you ve done to what they show about you as a person. For example; running an afterschool club for younger kids can show how you aren't afraid to take on responsibility, can be a good listener and think on your feet to problem solve. A word of advice is that in a lot of medical interviews your personal statement is used as a starting point, so anything you write on there make sure you have actually done and are prepared to be grilled on .
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