College selection is a really important part of the Oxbridge application process, and it is often downplayed by schools or the universities themselves. Off the bat, I'd like to emphasise that you open yourselves up to holes in the interview if you have submitted an open application. You will be interviewed by tutors from the college you are interviewing at - these academics tend to feel a strong sense of community spirit, and college pride is important - they value their college highly, and since they are likely to teach you later one-on-one in supervision, it is vital that you show them you are specifically a good fit for their college.
The following factors should play into your decision: focus of academics in your college (are there fellows in your subject area or interest area), college facilities (ability to live in college all 3 years?), sporting or other extra curricular opportunities (for example, Clare are very strong for music, Johns are top of the rowing league - this knowledge will impress), location of college in relation to lectures for your subject, size of cohort (do you want to be in a bigger or smaller group - comraderie or individual attention?). Really take the time and effort to understand how the college differs and why it would be a perfect fit for you - this shows the interviewers you are likely to be the perfect fit for them.
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