In German we have 2 "helping" verbs for conjugating the past tense. Haben is used more often for conjugating the past, it is conjugated in numerous ways depending on the personal pronoun. Haben is used as our auxillary verb to describe non-movement final verbs. The final verb is at the end of the sentence usually, unless we have a conjunction or connecting sentence that rearranges the order. Haben is conjugated with the personal pronoun and the final verb is left in the infinitive form. "Sein" then on the other is used to describe movement verbs. Any verb that describes movement such as fahren (to go by transport), gehen (to go by foot) or kommen (to come) must have "sein" as the auxillary verb. Similarly to haben, it is conjugated differently depending on the personal pronoun. The order of the final verb is usually at the end too, unless we have a conjugation or connecting sentence that changes the order. The final verb is also left in infinitive.