- Ca2+ voltage gated channels are activated due to an action potential reaching the synapse
- Acetylcholine rests in the pre-synaptic cleft
- They are stored in vesicles
- The calcium influx causes the vesicles to move and fuse with the pre-synaptic membrane
- They release their contents (Ach) into the synaptic cleft through diffustion through a channel
- Ach binds to neuroreceptors on the post synaptic cleft, causing the channels to open and depolarisation to occur in the postsynaptic cleft
- Excess Ach in the synaptic cleft is broken down by acetylcholinesterase to form Acetate & Choline
- Choline is transported back into the axon terminal and is used to produce more Ach in the presynaptic neurone.