This question really makes you think about why you are applying to the course that you have chosen. This seems like an obvious statement, but you'd be surprised at just how difficult it might be. Actually stopping, thinking and then articulating your thoughts, motivations and relevant experience is a massive challenge, especially when such a huge life choice hangs in the balance. Therefore, just explaining (and discussing with someone else), is a massive leap in the right direction.
Assuming that you have been able to speak your thoughts out loud, now it is about being to write these thoughts down in a way that a University will be able to see just how worthwhile it is for them as an institution to take you on. The personal statement should ideally consist of 3-4 paragraphs. The introduction should be as catchy as possible, describing why you are interested in the subject as a whole. Paragraph 2/3 should be about demonstrating particular subject knowledge, especially in relation to what the course offers. Does you have any work experience? Have you any background reading or extra-curricular material that you can demonstrate? [[This varies massively by subject and by how much Work Experience you have. E.g - Medicine should have a personal element AND work experience element, whilst Biology should be more academic focussed]]. Next, you will need to write a concluding statement, which should try to describe who you are, why they are a good fit for University academically, and how you will get involved in University Life as a whole (Remember, there's a lot more to University than just studying!).
This type of writing is a skill that many 17/18 year olds have never even had to consider, and even though it's hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel, there will be massive satisfaction in seeing yourself create and craft a piece of personal advertising that will springboard you to your next stage in education.
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