When applying to medical school you need to think strategically, especially as you are only allowed to apply to four different medical schools. It is really important to play to your strengths and apply to the medical schools which place the largest emphasis in the admissions process on your strengths. In order to have the greatest chance of successfully applying to medical school, it is important to research each potential school very thoroughly and only apply universities you both want to go to as well as having a realistic chance of being a successful applicant. For example, an individual with a lower than average UKCAT score should think about applying to medical schools which place no on less weight on the UKCAT score. For example, Bristol medical school doesn't use the UKCAT in its admissions process and Cardiff and Birmingham place a low weight on the score. Applying to medical schools such a Sheffield and Newcastle would be more risky with a lower UKCAT as these schools place a high value on the admissions test.
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