First of all you need to multiply the first value of each bracket, for example; x X 2x= 2x2 write this answer at the start of a new line Then multiply the first value of the first bracket by the second value of the second bracket; x X -3 = -3x write this value next to the first answer so 2x2 – 3x Now multiply the second value of the first bracket by the first value of the second bracket; 4 X 2x = 8x Write this value next the the previous 2 answers so 2x2-3x +8x Then multiply the 2nd value of the first brack by the second value of the 2nd bracket; 4 X -3 = -12 Write this value next to the previous 3 answers so 2x2-3x+8x-12 = 0 (remembering to write down the answer of the original equation). Finally we’re going to simplify this equation, look for values with the same powers of x which can therefore be simplified. So for the above equation -3x and +8x can be simplieifed to +5x (8x-3x=5x) Therefore the final answer to this equation is 2x2+5x-12 = 0