The first step in factorising is to look for a 'common factor'. A common factor is a number or letter that all the values have in common.
All the integers (numbers) in this equation can be divided by 2. Therefore, 2 is a common factor and we can 'take it out' of our equation as follows:
2 (x2 + 4x + 4)
Now we can focus on the equation inside the brackets. We create a frame as follows:
( ) ( )
We see that x2 is the first term in our bracket. This means we can place the x's as follows:
(x ) (x )
Both signs in our equation are positive, which means both signs in the factorised brackets are positive:
(x + ) (x + )
Now is the hard part. We need to think of two numbers that will add together to get 4 and multiply together to get 4.
The answer is 2 and 2. This gets easier with practice. We place these numbers in the brackets as follows:
(x + 2) (x + 2)
This can also be written as:
(x + 2)2
Our final answer is then:
2(x + 2)2
In order to check our answer is correct, we multiply the brackets out and check that our answer matches the question.