Introduction There is a general consensus understanding that natural science produces true knowledge of the world, which can be used to help us improve the way we live.There is still a debate about whether or not it is possible or desirable for sociology to use the natural science model. Signpost: This essay will be assessing different contributions to the debate of sociology and science. Positivism- Sociology can and should be a science Society exists’ outside the human mind, and is constructed of patterns. Favour macro-structural theories. Should use inductive reasoning to explain these patterns, involving collecting data through careful observation and measurement. Use quant methods, which are reliable and highly objectivity, to prevent researcher bias. Durkheim- studied suicide to prove that even such a personal act has social causes. Therefore, it would be irresponsible to use the scientific approach to study science, since it has previously had negative consequences on the world. Interpretavism- Sociology can’t and shouldn’t be a science The subject matter of sociology is meaningful social action. Fundamental difference between the subject matter of science and of sociology, in that humans have consicousnesses. Research should see the world from the actor’s viewpoint, using verstehen. Use quant methods, which are highly valid. Douglas- studied suicide to prove that even such a personal act doesn’t have social causes. Sociology therefore does have its own subject matter, so can’t be explained scientifically. Popper- Sociology can and should be a science Uses falsification to prove a theory, referring to the ability to prove a hypothesis to be wrong by evidence. All science is provision, meaning there is never absolute truth. A good theory isn’t necessarily true, but one which has withstood attempts to falsify it. At the moment sociology is unscientific, because it relies on unobservable phenomenon and theories which can’t be falsified. If sociology produces testable hypothesises, it can be scientific. Kuhn- Sociology can be a science Sociology is pre-paradigmatic, since it is divided into many conflicting theories and there isn't one overriding theory. Sociology can only be a science is one single paradigm is established. In reality, this many not be possible because there has always been huge disagreement. Postmodernists argue that a paradigm in sociology wouldn’t be desirable, since it would just be a monopoly meta-narrative, thus silencing minority views and falsely claiming to have absolute truth. Conclusion Sociologists are divided about whether sociology can or should be a science. Positivists think that sociology can and should be a science, whereas Interpretavists don’t. Recently, realist views have been added to the debate.