During an individuals life arteries become covered in fatty plaque deposits. This causes the the inside (lumen) of the arteries to narrow. This narrowing increases the likelyhood of blockage of platelets and blood cells occuring. If a blockage/ semi-blockage does occur. Blood will no longer be able to flow easily through the arteries, meaning that less oxygen and nutirents from the blood will be able to supply the areas of the heart. If left untreated, or the blockage is suffiecient, this will cause death of part of the heart, meaning it will not be able to contract normally. The hearts continous contraction is vital since it means tissues and muscles around the body are continously supplied with oxygen and nutrients needed for survival. Treatment: Long term: Statins- used to reduce the cholesterol levels in the blood, meaning less fatty deposits are created on the walls of the arteries More urgent treatmet: Stent- wire containing a tiny unflated ballon and tunnel shaped mesh wire are passed into the arteries of the heart. The balloon is inflated, making the mesh wire attach to the narrowing arteries. The ballon is then uninflated and the wire is removed, leaving behind the mesh wire. This causes the artery to have a wider lumen and reduces the risk of blood clot to the patient.