Firstly, one must consider the key words in the question to be addressed in the main body of the essay and also the number of marks available and how they are divided. Here we would highlight "discuss research", "disruption of biological rhythms", "shift work and jet lag". Now we know that the examiner wants us to consider a range of research that takes its key findings from the effects of shift work and jet lag. Now we can condense the research we have to focus in on how these can disrupt our biological rhythms. We also now know that we are first offered 8 marks for an introduction and explanation of the topic area. The final 16 marks are directed towards our presentation of research findings and our evaluative skills.
When writing begins, the first 8 marks are important to achieve. This can be done by explaining what drives our biological rhythms and the influence of external cues in the environment. We will then introduce shift work and how it disrupts our biological rhythms. Following this, we will present our evidence of the effects of shift work on our body clock by using PEEL methods (point, evidence, explanation, link back to the question) on at least 2 studies (3 if time allows). When this has been completed we can then go on to explain jet lag and how it can affect the body. The same methods will then be followed when presenting the research on jetlag (again 2/3 studies using the PEEL method).
To tie the essay together, one should then present practical applications of the research in this area (what can we really learn from it? how is this useful?) and provide 2 or 3 more generalised evaluation points regarding the topic as a whole and then close the essay with a summative sentence such as... "research suggests that disrupting biological rhythms affects cognitive and emotional functioning as well as physical functioning, demonstrating the severity of consequences".