To make the conditional tense in French you need to take the infinitive form of the verb, the form found in the dictionary, and add an ending onto it. These endings are:
Je (I) - ais
Tu (You) - ais
Il/Elle/On (He/she/we) - ait
Nous (We) - ions
Vous (You) - iez
Ils/Elles (They) - aient
Then you need to add the correct ending to the infinitive, the ending which matches the subject/ person who is doing the verb. This means that to make the conditional tense you need: Subject + Infinitive + Ending
Je chanterais - I would sing Je (Subject) + Chanter (Infinitive) + ais (Matching ending)
Tu mangerais - I would eat Tu (Subject) + Manger (Infinitive) + ais (Matching ending)
Nous Danserions - We would dance Nous (Subject) + Danser (Infinitive) + ions (Matching ending)