The key to writing a successful essay at A-level & GCSE is to always have the Assessment Objectives in your head (it might even help to write them down as part of your plan). It is a common complaint that AOs can be constraining, but I believe they are extremely helpful guidelines and I still use the techniques I learnt at GCSE and A-level in my university work. The key aspects of a good essay can be broken down into: 1) structure & communication, 2) analysis, 3) context, 4) critical engagement & comparison (if required).
2) Every point you make should be backed up by strong examples from the text. For this reason it is better to pick your evidence before planning your topic sentences. It is helpful to quote as much as possible to show a detailed knowledge of the text, but make sure you have some well-developed analysis in every paragraph. Try to always use the PEAL acronym in your paragraphs: Point, Example, Analysis, Link.
3)/4) It is very easy to neglect context and engagement with critics in the heat of an exam. The key to deploying these elements successfully is to not force them into a place in your argument where they do not fit. Active engagement of historical and literary context can be hinted at throughout the essay, but do not say, for example, "and this reflects the context of..." Try and find a way to weave context into the argument and not add it in just because you have to. Additionally, critics should be used in an engaging way. To do this you should try and find critics who you disagree with as this will allow for more detailed discussion and a better argument - acknowledging other points of view and refuting them strengthens your essay rather than weakens it!
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