It is POSSIBLE to know things about the Historical Jesus (John Meier) : 1) The Criterion of Embarrassment 2) The Criterion of Discontinuity 3) The Criterion of Multiple Attestation 4) The Criterion of Coherence 5) The Criterion of Rejection and Execution 6) The Criterion of the Palestinian Environment 7) The Criterion of Vivid Narration It is IMPOSSIBLE to know anything about the Historical Jesus (Gerd Theissen): 1) The Silence of Non-Christian Sources 2) The Mythical Christ of the Letters of Paul 3) The Unhistorical Johannine Picture of Christ 4) The Easter Gulf 5) Shaping by the 'Sitz im Leben' 6) The Productive Power of Proof from Scripture 7) Miracle Stories 8) The One-Sided Criteria of Research into the Historical Jesus
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