The moments before an interview are stressful, especially at 18 and when it is something you care so deeply about. The first step is to reassure yourself that nerves are okay and part of your normal physiological response to stress. If anything, it is a positive reaction as it shows you really care! Though the medical school are looking for intelligent and hard working individuals, in the interview I believe they are assessing mostly your character. So before you go in, remind yourself why you think you’ll be a great doctor and let it shine through. A skill I believe they highly value is the ability to stay calm. Though your heart will be racing and you feel like you might vomit, it is important to take breaths and remind yourself to take a moment before answering any of their questions. Not only will this show calmness to your manner but it will make you appear confident too. Though clichéd, I think being genuine is the most you can do and comes across great. If you just think of the interview as an opportunity to meet someone new, it will make things easier. Just remember that it is simply a chat!
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