First of all, make a list of all the work experience you have ever done. This can be medicine-related, but don't forget about your job, extracurriculars and hobbies. You can use these to talk about your personal qualities in interviews, such as empathy, attention to detail, competitive, patient and so on. Then find one experience for each work experience/hobby and write it out using the STARR method: S - Situation (general single sentence background, set the scene) T - Task (what did you have to do?) A - Action (HOW did you do it? Did you talk to anyone? Did you have to persuade people? Did you have to take charge? This should be 80% of your answer) R - Result (What happened as a result of YOUR actions?) R - Reflection (How do you think you handled it/what could have gone better? What did you learn from it?) That is as simple as it gets. If you use STARR for every single question you get regarding experience/personal qualities, then you will impress the interviewers. Note what qualities universities are looking for from their websites and find an example from your work experience to support how you meet it. Good luck!
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