First of all, it's important to realise that it's not the end of the world if you don't get in the first time around. Our current year is made up of a considerable amount of people who weren't immediately coming out of school. It's fairly normal for a challenging subject.Initially, I found the whole process quite challenging and confusing and I had very little idea who to talk to about it with. However, in the following year I had the time and resources to really bolster my application.So what should you do in your year out? The obvious thing is to use that time to practice for: UKCAT, BMAT(maybe), interview preparation and personal statement, as well as get more experience in medical settings. However, it's also a great opportunity for you to take some time out and have a break before you enter the long process of medical school. Personally, the months I traveled during my gap year were some of the best I've had.
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