Presenting yourself confidently at interview is important, you must also remain true to yourself, providing honest answers that convey your dedication and passion for the subject. Confidence can be achieved by anyone with good enough preparation. By making a bullet pointed list of all of your key attributes, any question can be answered. Such attributes would include leadership skills, team working, diligence, empathy and motivation. It is important to remember that your answers need to include examples relating to each attribute you have bullet pointed, work experience is a great opportunity to acquire such experiences. Furthermore, all answers need to be relevant to the question asked; especially in the MMI format when you have only a limited time at each station to discuss your answer.MMI interviews give you the opportunity to make 8-10 good first impressions and 8-10 opportunities to redeem yourself if you feel you've under-performed at any one station. Furthermore, whilst preparation for practical and role play stations can be difficult, ensuring that all instructions are carefully followed is the most important factor. Nuances in the instruction may be introduced to trip people up. For example, 'sign your name in the bottom left hand corner of the page' or 'use your right hand to grip the suturing needle'. Such instructions are easy to overlook but if followed will ensure full marks. Role play stations are simply testing your ability to engage with someone on a human level, allowing you to display the empathy and respect required of medical students in clinical situations. So long as you remain composed and try to respond as naturally as possible, these are also good opportunities to show a bit of your true nature.
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