WORK EXPERIENCE- NOT WHAT YOU SAW, BUT WHAT YOU LEARNED! .... You must highlight the importance of a MTD! You must demonstrate your understanding of each valuable member for example in breast cancer care: the surgeon, medical oncologist, pathologist, chemotherapy nurse, radiologist and breast cancer nurse. Explain the benefits you saw in patient satisfaction and adherence with the professional adapting their communication style e.g. children vs adults and the importance of an informed patient! (Medical schools love this). Show you understand the challenges facing the NHS currently, an example of this would be lack of bed space, explain how this made you feel, and how the patients care is a top priority!Example an example of how you saw resilience, medical schools love this, in medicine you make mistakes, it's important you can learn from these mistakes! An example would be in surgery if something went wrong?JUNIOR DOCTOR SCENARIO ( I WAS ASKED THIS AT INTERVIEW) This is a definite no, do not accept! This breaks the doctor-patient relationship boundaries and is unprofessional. Explain perhaps how you understand why the patient has thought this was appropriate, some patients buy cards as a way of saying thank you for life saving treatment, this may be their way of saying thank you by wanting to stay in touch. However this is not appropriate. As a doctor you must treat each patient fairly without discrimination, and accepting their request may suggest otherwise.
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