Everyone revises differently, but I believe that the most efficient revision methods are active, rather than just reading notes. If you are a visual learner, my top tip would be making posters to put up around the house. The first step is drawing out a poster, for example a spider diagram or a diagram of a biological process, and make sure you understand what you're writing! The second step would be to put them up somewhere you see them everyday- such as on your wardrobe where you'll see it every day when getting ready! Even a few minutes each day looking over your poster will ensure that you've memorised the concept by the time of exams. Another method that I would recommend is testing yourself! This can be done with flashcards, or by looking through a section of your notes, covering them up and then writing the information down as bullet points from memory. You can do this for sections as big as a whole page, or as small as a paragraph or point on a flashcard. This will allow your memory to build up over time, and is much less overwhelming than trying to cram a whole topic!