As someone who scored full marks on my A level Spanish oral exam, I am in a good position to help.
The main thing examiners are looking for is confidence in what you know, and an ability to improvise. Of course, the best preparation possible is to learn sections of your answers to anticipated questions off by heart, but this alone will not get you the top marks. You must be able to subtly adapt your answers to the different ways a question might be asked. Filler words, linking and opinion phrases are essential in this regard. For example, let's say one of your chosen topics is 'El medioambiente', and in your preparation you have anticipated the question 'qué causa el calentameinto global', and have learnt an answer accordingly. In the exam however, you are asked '¿Es real el calentamiento global?’ Here, the question does not correspond to your answer, but fear not! With a few phrases and the ability to stay calm, you will be able to answer this no problem. When faced with a question that asks for an opinion, and you have a factual answer, you can rely on your opinion phrases. An example could be ‘Bueno, yo sostendría que sí. Según dice la mayor parte de scientíficos, el calentamiento global es causado por…’ or ‘Pues, a mi modo de ver, la raza humana causa el calentamiento global…’. There are a number of opinion phrases and filler words that you can learn off by heart that will allow you to be flexible in your answers, and so learning the answer to one question will allow you to answer many other questions on the same topic.