Yes:Disenfranchisement increases prisoners sense of separation from society. Therefore increases anti-social behaviour.Conversely, enfranchisement (see, e.g., Tocqueville) encourages citizens to look beyond their own interests to the interest of society. Therefore encourages pro-social behaviour.A fundamental right as a citizen is to have a say in who governs. If we deny the right to vote, we deny that prisoners are citizens, therefore why do we have the right to imprison them?
No:They have demonstrated that they are not fully capable members of society. We are therefore justified in removing some of the rights of full capable members of society, including the right to vote.The prisoners' vote represents a dangerous voting base. It might encourage niche politicians to pander to the interests of prisoners.Prison is supposed to be a punishment – part of that punishment is the removal of the right to vote.
Structure:IntroductionShort, two or three sentences. Which side do you support, with maybe a one-line summary of your strongest argument.Main sectionFirst reasonReason, with some substantiation, followed by an example.Second reasonReason, with some substantiation, followed by an example.[Third reason, depending on how much time you have]Counter exampleConsider a counter briefly, and then say why this doesn't defeat your case.ConclusionSummarise arguments, conclude with something pithy if you can think of something.Summarise main reasons,