Luckily, the difference is nice and easy to learn! We’ll start with ‘wenn’. Firstly, ‘wenn’ can mean both ‘whenever’ and ‘if’. The reason I say ‘whenever’ is because ‘wenn’ is often used to describe a regular action, as opposed to a one-off. For example: ‘Wenn ich meine Hausaufgaben mache, bekomme ich Geld’ (Whenever I do my homework, I get money). Now an example for ‘if’: ‘Wenn ich durstig bin, trinke ich Wasser‘ (If I am thirsty, I drink water). The context will tell you whether to use ‘whenever’ or ‘if’ when you translate into English. Now for ‘als’. ‘Als’ is used to refer to a single event or period of time which occurred in the past, which has now finished. Here’s an example with a single event: ‘Als meine Mutter angekommen ist, war ich zufrieden‘ (When my mother arrived, I was happy). Now for an example with a period of time: ‘Als ich jünger war, las ich gern’ (When I was younger, I liked reading).