The Republican party in the US is the right-wing end of American politics. Although politics in the US is greatly bipartisan, it is also difficult to separate the many different facets on either side. The Republican party is conservative, both culturally and fiscally. The neoliberal economic agenda of Republicans embodies the 'American Dream', in that the belief is that any one, party to hard work, can become a success. But Republicans do not belie in 'handouts', or help to achieve that dream. They are liberal in that they believe that big government (in economic affairs) can be a hinderance to better economic performance, and also believe in lower taxes for everyone. However, within culture, the Republican party does have very strong views on the maintaining of 'family' )and often, religious) values within American life. The abortion, affirmative action and gun law debates seem to embody the Republican thoughts on how life should be lead in the US.