Virus engulfed by phagocyte (broad immune response), destroyed using lysosomes (hydrolysis) and viral antigens presented on cell membrane (trigger specific immune response e.g. anti-bodies).
Steps of phagocytosis:
1.Phagosome/vesicle fuses with lysosome (1 mark)2.(Virus) destroyed by lysozymes/hydrolytic enzymes (1 mark)3.Peptides/antigen (from virus) are displayed on the cell membrane (1 mark)
Analogy to remember:Operates like packman
Exam technique:Emphasise importance of key terms e.g. "Fusion with phagosome", "Virus hydrolysed, "antigens on cell membrane" in achieving full marks in regard to A-level mark-schemes (e.g. AQA, OCR Edexcel).